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Review: "Power of the Dream"

Jennifer Green

The achievements and passion of the WNBA players profiled in this documentary are indisputable, even if the film lags at times by relying too heavily on interviews with them. Power of the Dream gives viewers a behind-the-scenes overview of the influential activism of professional female basketball players, including their pivotal role in getting Raphael Warnock elected to the Senate in 2021, an election with national repercussions.

Director Dawn Porter lets these impressive women construct their own oral history, which is admirable but also overly repetitive as a viewing experience. This unfortunately makes the film feel long (which it is, at over two hours). Considering we're now two presidential elections away from where this film starts, and so much takes place during the COVID shutdown, it might also feel out of date to some (which it's not).


Read the full review at Common Sense Media.

Images courtesy of Amazon Prime Video.




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