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Feature: How to Brand Yourself (SUCCESS)

Jennifer Green

Personal branding expert Claire Bahn, founder and CEO of Los Angeles-based boutique strategic communications and marketing outfit, Claire Bahn Group, says she got into the field professionally after learning to market herself as an actor and a model.


“I found that the people who marketed themselves the best were able to get the jobs they were best suited for,” she says. “If you think about your headshot and all the materials that you have, your reel, all that stuff – that helped me get jobs, as well as my social media presence.”


It’s not an uncommon story. Many people are inspired to forge a niche as a go-to expert in their field after years spent working precisely in that field. They have accumulated knowledge, and now they want to share it – for a fee.


But how do you go about getting your name out there? What are the steps to go from brand idea to thought leader? Here, Bahn explains some of the key stages to building a personal brand and finding your audience.  


One caveat: Bahn says it’s essential to have a back-up plan at the start. “You can’t just say I’m going to quit everything, do this and my personal brand is going to work within a month.” It takes time and consistency, so keep your day job or work through gig platforms that take a cut – just while you get started. On a positive note, she says, “In the business world, there’s always room for more.”

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